I was born 6. april 1954, are married to Dille Andersen and we have no kids. I graduated with Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 30. june 1980.
All kind of challenging assignments er interessting - working freelance or as a consultant.
As a consultant I work for our own firm, BLA*net, (Bodil & Leif Andersens Network). BLA*net specializes in IT-consulting, Open Source Systems, webservices and digital media production (photography and video).
In Denmark we work together with some of the major Consultance Agencies, f.ex. 7N and Twins Consulting.
The last few years I have mostly been involved in developing and maintaining large scale internet banking systems in Scandinavia, including the different national bank authorization and authentication systems. See below for project details.
BLA*net published sport club newsletters (on paper), club websites and turnament websites for badminton. For example the event of Danish Junior Cup once a Year since 2008.
BLA*net began by publishing "Danske Nyheder" (News in Danish) and "DilleSport" "Danske Nyheder" is the oldest, danish mainstream news source on the internet. First issue 4. January 1993 and the last on 2. May 2004. The historical web-versions are at (only in danish) and (The sites are currently undergoing reconstruction, as some of the content has been damaged by changes in computer systems over time)
[ Old Skills Matrix (2004) ]
Planned Activities
2013-04-09 - 2013-12-31 | Java Developer in a project to implement back-end webservice API's for a new web-frontend for an existing administration product. Tools are Eclipse with Ant-build and OC4J/Oracle as the back-end platform. |

© DilleSport the sunset by the work station.
Mail Address
Husumvej 118 DK-2700 Bronshoj Denmark
Other Addresses
Phone: +45 2025 0723 e-mail: web:
Since March 1999
Operated BLA*net full time as a IT-consultant, doing development work and training in Java and Open Source. The major projects were:
January 2013 - March 2013: Analysed an existing danish specialty website based on the LAMP-platform, and developed new functionality for it, as well as supported produktion and migrating user data from other websites. Used Eclipse (Fedora distribution) with Git-repository for versioning.
August 2004 - December 2012: J2EE application development and deployemnt support in the financial industry. Keywords: Home Banking, security (NemID, Chryptomathic, BankID Norway and BankID Sweden) application, using Apache maven, eclipse, weblogic and a portlet-framework.
Projects at Skandinavisk Data Center - SDC:
- Payment transfer and currency exchange for Norwegian bank customers.
- Digital Spaces - a standalone web application for signing digital documents for Internet banking systems in Denmark and Sweden (with support for NemID for banks, NemID OCESII, Cryptomathic and Swedish BankID security)
- Final release and support for SMS-assisted security for Cryptomathic based internet banking.
- Implementing the bank version of NemID for danish internet bank servcies.
- Single Signon from danish internet bank services to external pension providers.
- Design, developed and implemented functionality for internet banking service in Denmark, Norway and Faroe Islands.
June 2012 made the danish translation of the Open Source Wiki system XWiki.
Every October since 2008 designed and run the official event site Danish Junior Cup, as well as provided IT-equiptment for tournament management for the team event. The site is controlled by OpenCms, hosted on our own servers and all software for the Team Event are Open Source.
September 2006 - november 2008 Published DilleSport using the Wordpress platform.
July 2004: Developed phase 2 of the hotel loyality card system. New customer requirements was developed and beta-tested off-site and software was delivered to the customers independent code review and acceptance test. Tools used was Netbeans, Oracle DB and OC4J. Customers test and deployment was done through the fall of 2004.
November 2003 - June 2004: Development of middleware for a Customer Care system in BEA Weblogic WLI and Workshop 8.1 for a company in the mobil service provider business. Support of BEA and configuration management for deployment to production. Operating procedures and 2. level support after project completion.
July-October 2003: Developed a support system for loyality card for a major, danish hotel chain. Used Oracle JDeveloper, Application Server and database.
June 2003: Java/J2EE-developer (EJB 2.0/Xdoclet/JBoss) of internal systems in a danish internet service company.
January 2003: Training - Object Oriented Design with UML. New - Not tied to a programming language.
November - december 2002: Introduction to Java for a partner. 5 days one-on-one in english, using the material translated in september. 2 x 5 days of danish classrom sessions in Århus and Copenhagen.
November 2002: Covered Realkredit Danmark Open and Badminton Copenhagen Masters 2002. badminton tournaments for DilleSport Special. The pages was written in PHP as a improvet front-end to an PHP-Nuke database. (Some articles are not available at the moment.)
October 2002: Created and ran a 3 days introduction to Java JSP for a partner. Material build on the book, "The Complete Reference JSP" by Phil Hanna.
September 2002: 4 days introductoin to Java. The course was translated to and conducted in english for two programmers with af non-danish background.
June-July 2002: Took part in developing a airline-reservation system. The system had automatic lookup of route, based on available seats, integrated link to an external credit card clearing house for payment, and printing of tickets with barcode for bording control. The project took 10 days to complete, with af team of 3 developers. My role was technical project manager, coach and developer. Technology used was Java, servlets, JSP, MySQL database and SuSE Mainframe Linux w. Tomcat as application server. Developed in Forte 4 Java on MS-Windows 2000.
March 2002: 3 days workshop about Linux Networking - focus on security (intrusion detection and firewalls), distributed user authentication - and shell programming.
Februar 2002: Introduction and training in SQL, using MySQL database (4 days). Developed course material (HTML) and a realistic, large test database: Eskualien, a diverse phone directory problem containing almost 100.000 data entities, in several tables. The course was part of a training program for Java programmers, and under contract with a business partner.
September 2001 - december 2001: Works for a partner on an outsourced development job, a e-commerce support application, using java 2, servlets and jdbc databases. The customer is a large B2B IT distributor. Primary tool: Forte for Java
February and September/Oktober 2001: Developed and ran a number of 2-days introduction to J2EE development, using servlets, JSP, EJB and JDBC-databases, with hands-on excersises on customers own equiptment and on their premisses. The courses requires a basic understanding of Java programming and some experience in programming in general.
November 2000 - june 2001: Through a partner on a contract with a large, danish e-commerce company operating in the mobile phone market. The task was to help with java-programming, but due to the state of the project I was switched to assist with testing, debugging, version control and quality assurance. Got additional experience in that area, and at the same time adding considerable to the customers knowledge through examples and tutoring. Got reaquanted with the Open Source products CVS, gnumake, and was introduced to NetBeans. Also used Oracle (version 8) a lot, in connection with Java programs (through JDBC). Target platforms was AIX, development was done on either AIX or Windows NT 4.0.
December 1999 - december 2000: More classes run in Introduction to Java or Linux, Advanced Java, workshops in Samba and Apache for members of the Prosa IT-trade union. Specially developed fast-track java-training (weekends) for employees of Bording Unistar. Java Tutoring for Parkegaard & Partners emplyes.
(PROSA is the largest, danish IT-trade union, Bording Unistar is an ISV for the danish retail market and Parkegaard & Partners an IBM Denmark subsiduary doing IT-training at the entry and professionel level.)
May 1999: Badminton World Championships / Sudirman Cup in Copenhagen 1999. Volunteer IT-consultant for the Organizing Comittee. Adviced setup and configuration of the LAN and provided english language results on the internet. A semi automatic system was developed for editing and transfering results to external servers, using Perl and Cron on a Linux/Samba server. The rest of the network was Windows 95/Windows NT PC's. The International Badminton Federation (IBF) official Results Pages where fully created by a Perl custom application.
April 1999 - November 1999: The first big java job was as a consultant for the US2000 project at The State Education Grant and Loan Agency in Denmark ("SU-Styrelsen"), where I supported 6 java programmers (5 application developer and one system developer). This was done on a contract with Computer Science Corporation Denmark (period: april - november 1999) - after I resigned from the same company (Refer to career details below.) The tool used was Visual Age for Java, Enterprise Edition (v.2.0) on a Windows 95 client/development stations and IBM AIX as server. The customer declared the project a success in the danish version of ComputerWorld in february 2000 - done within time and budget!
June 1994 - march 1999
Founded and operated BLA*net as a spare-time company.
September 1993 - march 1999
System Engineer at CSC Danmark Took part in design, project planning and implemtation of a new Client Server system for administrating student loans. It was java implementation, based on internet technologies, with a large reuse of the customers legacy Natural-coded application on af IBM/VSE mainframe.
Other jobs i CSC Danmark was
- Write management briefs about strategic technologies
- Search for and try out new technologies - primarily internet based, client/server and Y2K tests
- Developed intranet webapplications using perl and CGI
- Projects about security (DCE, encryption, SmartCards)
- External Consultancies for Copenhagen Police Force and Post Danmark
- Made prototypes for filing electronic tax returns for the Danish Internal Revenue Service
- Deployment of the Seer HPS 4GL development platform ind CSC DK
- Projects about personal printers on mainframe applications
- Writing technical chapters in contract proposals and tenders
January 1988 - may 1993
Product Manager for Personal Computer Systems and accessories, basic programs DOS/Windows, modems, Serial MUX's, Bar Code Equiptment and Point of Sales in Dansk Data Elektronic A/S (DDE - now named E-huset)
The duties where Vendor contact (OEM), product evaluation and modification, support for sales and support-departments, market research. The products selected was to supplement and integrate into DDEs line of multiprocessor UNIX computers and carry the DDE logo. Apart from DOS/Windows I was also manager of other OS for the PC platform, such as UNIX (Interactive and AT&T)
I was appointed by DDE as member of the danish subcommitee of the ISO 9241 workgroups from 1989 until 1992, and took part in internal DDE commitees implementing ISO 9000 certification.
August 1986 - december 1987
Project Manager for distributed office automation at Alm. Brand af 1792 (A large, danish insurance company). Duties included vendor contact and assorted consultancy jobs for management, as the project was not officially initiated during my employment. Did plan and execute an interim solution in one branch. Other duties where system administration and development on UNIX systems, used for testing OA prototypes.
February 1985 - july 1986
Configuration Management and Quality Assurance manager at Chr. Rovsing A/S of 1984. Until january 86 stationed at Toronto, Canada, where the customer was Air Canada Data Network (ACDN). Subsequently at the main office in Ballerup Denmark. Acting department manager may - june 86. The job was to implement quality assurance, version control (quality control) and error report handling.
January 1984 - january 1985
Stationed (twice) at the ACDN-project in Toronto, first for Chr. Rovsing A/S later Chr. Rovsing A/S of 1984 (The company went into receivership and was reconstructed in 1984) Developed terminalemulators (vt100 to/from synchronous terminals), Z80 assembly programming, improving development tools for microprocessors (VMS and Unix on a VAX)
June 1980 - december 1983
Developer on a project for L. M. Ericson Network (LMENET), first at Chr. Rovsing International A/S, later assimilated by Chr. Rovsing A/S Designed and implemented a real time operating system for microprocessors and several IBM-batch terminal emulations for LMENET, system administration for a small mini computer (DEC PDP-11). Lend out to special assignments, f.ex:
July 1982 - August 1982
Stationed at Chr. Rovsing Corporation A/S California, USA, as at specialist for a project for the United States Air Force.
August 1977 - may 1980
As a student: Evening and night shift operator on an IBM 370 mainframe (DOS/VS) at Fona Radio A/S - a large consumer electronics chain in Denmark.
See allso IT Competencies.
General Areass of Expertise and Experience
Programming, Operating, Architecture, Information Technology, Networks, Datacommunication, Computer Theory, Digital Technology, Telecommunication, Security (Internet), Electronics, Quality Assurance and Control (ISO 9000), Ergonomics (ISO 9241), Testmethods, Marketing, Business Finance, Presentation and Negotiation. Finansial IT-services (Homebanking and Security).
Personal Computers , (servers, desktops, laptops), tablets (MS-DOS and Android), printers, CRT-terminal (also X-terminals), WAN/LAN architecture and components, cash registers electronic components.
Non-PC computer hardware (historic): RS6000 (IBM), Alpha (Compaq/DEC), Supermax (DDE), MX500 (Siemsens), Altos, 370 (IBM), CR80 (Chr. Rovsing), VAX & PDP-11 (DEC), Microprocessor development systems from INTEL and HP.
General knowlegde about
Medical Electronics, Robotics, Process Control, Analogue Electronics, Transducers, Acustics, Power Electronics, Low Frequency Electronics, Micro Wave Electronics, Statistics, Radio Communcation, Printed Circuit Board, CAD/CAM, Service, Purchasing, Sales, Documentation and Project Management.
Danish - Native language. English - able to negotiate (multi cultural), reading and writing. German - able to understand, not very good speaking or writing, Russian - 3 year in high school (1970 - 1973) - not maintained.
Training & Education
June 2000
(2 dage) Java University - Fast Track Java Certification (JavaOne, San Francisco)
June 1998
(2 days) Java - Advanced Programming (The Danish Technological Institute, DTI)
May 1998
(3 days) Local Area Network 2 - Real Life Networking (DTI)
March 1996
(3 days) Client/Server programming using DCE (Learning Tree International)
December 1994
(3 days) AIX Advanced Administrator (IBM Denmark)
February 1993 - June 1996
Engineering Business Administration (EBA) at Copenhagen Technical High School. An MBA-inspired education with focus on accounting, financing, management, marketing, negotiation and presentation (danish and english).
September 1973 - june 1980
Master of Science, E.E. at Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby. Thesis: Gathering run time statistics from AlgolW-compiler on a mainframe (IBM 370 assembly language).
Other interests
Ham Radio (OZ1BBM), amateur theater, news production, astronomy, travel, London, music (organ/synthesizer).
Board member of KLID (Kommercielle Linux Interessenter i Danmark - Linux Commercial Interests in Denmark) -